foolhardy|foolhardier|foolhardiest in English


reckless, impulsive; bold, fearless

Use "foolhardy|foolhardier|foolhardiest" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foolhardy|foolhardier|foolhardiest" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foolhardy|foolhardier|foolhardiest", or refer to the context using the word "foolhardy|foolhardier|foolhardiest" in the English Dictionary.

1. I thought the idea was totally foolhardy.

2. It was foolhardy to have refused.

3. Evil - doers always act in foolhardy manner.

4. Only the English can be so foolhardy.

5. Foolhardy, accident prone, pigheaded, brave... Accident prone.

6. Let's be foolhardy and assume the best.

7. It was foolhardy to go swimming alone.

8. Look before you leap. Don't be so foolhardy.

9. He accepted he'd been grossly stupid and foolhardy.

10. He paid for the foolhardy act with his life.

11. Call it foolhardy or brilliant or shocking or crazy.

12. But before you dismiss my younger foolhardy self, remember...

13. I thought it foolhardy and told my colleague John so.

14. She says what she honestly believes in a brave, even foolhardy manner.

15. Holding onto a moving car while wearing skates is illegal and foolhardy.

16. Some common synonyms of Adventurous are daredevil, daring, foolhardy, rash, reckless, and venturesome

17. The country was in such huge debt that any spending proposals looked foolhardy.

18. The Courageous man, however, strikes a balance between irrational fear and foolhardy

19. When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.

20. And despite the censorship, some letters were bold to the point of foolhardy.

21. It was foolhardy to take the plane up alone, with so little flying experience.

22. I drove to the hospital at a foolhardy speed, arriving just after my wife.

23. They were very foolhardy to jump off the bus while it was still moving.

24. Sailing the Atlantic in such a tiny boat wasn't so much brave as foolhardy.

25. It would be foolhardy to try and predict the outcome of the talks at this stage.